Vortex Coalition Job Payouts

Jobs must be posted in #redeem within 2 days of completion.

Users are restricted from earning more than 1000 VoCoin™ per week.

Payment amount depends on quality/effort put into each task.

Place Signs advertising VoCo near or at spawn.

3 VCN (per sign)

Signs must follow the pictured format, and be placed >50 blocks away from each other. You must post two separate screenshots from the same angle of before and after you placed each Sign in #redeem chat with coords and 2b2t chat visible.

Make a VoCo Video

50-300 VCN

Payout depends on creativity, quality of video, and effort to make. Exceptional videos may be posted to the VoCo TikTok or even our YouTube channel. Videos can be memes, gameplay, informational, or historical in nature.

VoCo Media Team

50-500+ VCN (per project)

The Vortex Coalition Media Team focuses on producing content for various VoCo social media pages, and keeping VoCo public perception high. We are looking to hire graphic designers, photo & video editors, animators, directors, writers, content creators, wiki editors, PR advisors, or any related trades that could be useful in the creation of promotional media content for VoCo.

Provide useful intelligence/information to VoCo Management

15-1000+ VCN

Payout depends on usefulness of info, and if it was already known. You may have to remind Management to credit you.

Information may include: Intel regarding foreign group activity Intel regarding foreign bases or projects Intel regarding foreign or domestic threats to VoCo security Intel regarding technical exploits (duplication glitches, travel exploits, etc)

VoTographer - Take Professional VoCo Photos

5-50 VCN per Picture

Pictures must be aesthetically pleasing. Use good photography practices such as the rule of 3s. Shaders are suggested and will earn more VoCoin. Be Creative. No tracers, ESP, Nametags, etc, can be visible in the photo; nametags are only acceptable for group photos.

Here is an example album: https://imgur.com/a/Esw0bpn

Build a VoCo outpost near spawn

25-100 VCN

Farms must include a food source, voco symbols, and voco signs.

With 2b2t chat visible, you must post two separate screenshots from the same angle of before and after you built each Farm in #redeem (without coords), you must then DM a third picture from the same angle with coords visible to a Staff member with the @Credit role.

Advertise VoCo in chat

2 VCN per message (~24 per hour)

Use a bot or modded client to periodically post VoCo advertisements in server chat. A delay of around 300 seconds (5 minutes) is usually acceptable. However, you should take chat conditions into consideration to ensure VoCo isn't being drowned out in chat.

Here is the text for the botfile.

To redeem, post your minecraft chat log file to #redeem.

Place VoCo Advertisement Withers

5 VCN (per wither)

Withers must be named https://voco.group/ and be placed at bedrock level (as to not destroy any infrastructure). Withers must also be placed >100 blocks away from each other. Withers within 2k of spawn can be placed anywhere at bedrock level, but Withers past that point must be directly under major Highways.


60-800+ VCN (per hour)

You must apply for this position at voco.group/vosec.

VoSec Officers need to be able to think critically in tense situations, react according to protocol, and be somewhat capable of decent PVP.

Basic Pay: 60 VCN per hour to patrol area +25 VCN if attacked/forced to engage in PVP (per hour) +100 VCN per enemy of VoCo eliminated (if geared)

Base/Stash Hunting

100-1000+ VCN

Track down and locate bases and/or stashes on 2b2t. Use social engineering and/or follow nether tunnels and use NewChunks after going through portals.

Report any stashes found directly to Vortex Coalition First Class members or above. Do not destroy stashes unless given permission by VoCo Management.

Building Maparts (VoCo themed or VoCo Sponsored)

75-800+ VCN

VoCo Themed = Mapart depicting something related to VoCo. VoCo Sponsored = Mapart of anything, but includes a joinvo.co link somewhere on the map.

To redeem maparts, message a VoCo Staff member privately.

Recruit new members

75 VCN (per new member)

Payment is sent once referred users reach the Member rank. VoCoin™ is automatically deposited into both the referrer and referee's accounts upon the referee's rankup to Member.

Build at a VoCo base

40-200 VCN

Must be assigned to and help build/expand a Voco base.

DO NOT post screenshots of bases in #redeem. Instead, you must redeem work done at bases in their respective base channels.

Build VoCo symbols at spawn.

5-700+ VCN

Vortices MUST be solid, made of obsidian, 3-dimensional, built vertically and >100 blocks away from each other.

Larger Vortices can be completed as group projects, the payment will be split between members.

You must post two separate screenshots from the same angle of before and after you built each Vortex in #redeem chat with coords and 2b2t chat visible.

For Vortices 4x4x4 and larger, you must include free-cam screenshots from inside each block to confirm it is solid.